May 9, 2005 - In this issue:

Note from the Editor:   In contrast to the recurring auto-flagellation in
the main media (mainly caused by the loss of readers and audience --
read $$) and the irrepressible but undeniable and expected co-
optation of the blogosphere by commercial and political interests, we
are entering our tenth year of uninterrupted publication committed to
journeying along a road less traveled, with a quest for unity based
upon respect and acceptation of diversity of political views and
autonomy of perspectives among us. Onward to a new Swans year
and on to this issue!

The American interstate: Symbol of our freedom to roam the open
roads, consume and pollute at will, shop on a whim and devour
poison food on the way to the redwoods and through the canyons on
a path that links us all, inextricably, to Baghdad's Road of Death. Phil
Rockstroh and Angela Tyler-Rockstroh combine the power of their
words and images to illustrate this somber corridor of destruction.
Amidst the babble about the need for an "energy policy" and "new
technology," the most creative proposal is to reduce the speed limit
and the toughest question is, "why do we pay so much for a gallon of
gas?" Let then Richard Macintosh ask some tough questions on free-
market hypocrisy, socialized militarism and profit-based medicine in
the Empire's staged reality. Perhaps as more of the Bush
administration's unreal realities come to light its effectiveness will be
diminished...yet Philip Greenspan fears the tactics to which it may
resort to regain power. Its credibility with other countries is further
eroded when it admonishes Putin for neither listening to the people nor
practicing democracy. The irony is that Bush, in his arrogance, can't
even see the irony... Still, Jan Baughman tries to illustrate it for him.
The fact remains that the people and polls have little bearing on policy.
But if you are Anheuser-Busch, you're in a completely different
league. Case in point: the intention of Ventria Bioscience to put human
or animal DNA in genetically-engineered rice to produce
pharmaceuticals -- in the fields of Missouri, the beer company's
headquarters. Read Don Fitz's account of this political fight and the
frightening implications of such rice contaminating the food system.

This week marks the anniversary of Marxist revolutionary James
Connolly's death. Executed in Dublin by the British after taking up
arms in the 1916 Easter Rising to liberate Ireland, Connolly's legacy is
remembered by Joe Davison. Upon founding the Irish Socialist
Republican Party, Connolly put forth his view that national liberation
and socialism were complementary rather than antagonistic, and that
" matter what the form of government may be, as long as one
class owns as private property the land and the instruments of labor
from which mankind derive their substance, that class will always have
it in their power to plunder and enslave the remainder of their fellow
creatures." With the interests of the working class in mind Julio Huato
expands his views on the reasons US Socialists should cooperate
strategically with the Democratic Party to advance the workers'
movement -- here is a perfect example of the diversity of political
views and autonomy of perspectives that we advocate.

>From politics to culture and the politics therein, Charles Marowitz
describes the inherent conflicts of wearing two hats -- one of theatre
critic and one of director; "a fashion statement fraught with danger," as
Marowitz relays. Wearing the two hats of populism and nationalism is
equally fraught with danger -- see Milo Clark's review of the latest
John Lukacs book. In poetry, the plight of a fallen fighter is Gerard
Donnelly Smith's subject, and the dangers of depleted uranium, which
seem to vary depending on whether it is us or them who are exposed,
is one of the many controversial topics that landed on our Editor's
desk along with, of course, your letters and John Steppling's review of
our last edition.

Last but not least, we are also recognizing the 30th anniversary of the
end of the Vietnam War by re-running our 25th anniversary
retrospective. We continue to hope that, in the words of Carl
Sandburg, "Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come."

As always, please form your OWN opinion, and let your friends (and
foes) know about Swans.


Here are the links to all the pieces:
Running On Fumes: A Journey To The End Of Empire
- by Phil Rockstroh
With a (great) graphic by Angela Tyler-Rockstroh
"Un-American" Questions
- by Richard Macintosh
Will The Withering Shrub Recover?
- by Philip Greenspan
American Diktat, Russian Polls: The Presidential Press Conference
- by Jan Baughman
Mommy, Is Aunt Sally In The Rice Puffs?
- by Don Fitz
Remembering James Connolly
- by Joe Davison
Workers, Socialists, And Democrats: Reflections On Strategy
- by Julio Huato
Wearing Two Hats: The Director Takes On The Critic
- by Charles Marowitz
John Lukacs's "Democracy and Populism, Fear and Hatred"
- Book Review by Milo Clark
"La Muerte de Nadie"
- Poem by Gerard Donnelly Smith
Blips #18
by Gilles d'Aymery
Introduction to "Vietnam: A Retrospective" (May 2000)
Letters to the Editor and John Steppling's review of our last edition.


Swans (aka Swans Commentary), ISSN: 1554-4915, is a bi-weekly
non- commercial ad-free Web-only magazine which provides original
content to its readers. We encourage pulp publications to republish
Swans' Work in print format. Please contact the publisher at <aymery
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Thank you for reading Swans.

Gilles d'Aymery

-- Swans

"Hungry man, reach for the book: It is a weapon." B. Brecht

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