Robert Scott Gassler wrote:

> If you go back to the original Bergson
> article (written under the
> pseudonym Burke), you find the social welfare
> function formulated in a way
> that makes it virtually impossible to refute.

It has been my contention that a key assumption
Bergson adopted from Barone make it not only possible,
but necessary to refute. Here's how Barone dealt with
the immensely important and tricky issue of the hours
of labour:

"It is convenient to suppose -- it is a simple
book-keeping artifice, so to speak -- that each
individual sells the services of all his capital and
re-purchases afterwards the part he consumes directly.
For example, A, for eight hours of work of a
particular kind which he supplies, receives a certain
remuneration at an hourly rate. It is a matter of
indifference whether we enter A's receipts as the
proceeds of eight hours' labour, or as the proceeds of
twenty-four hours' labour less expenditure of sixteen
hours consumed by leisure."

Barone's "simple book-keeping artifice" of 1908 deftly
does away with the power imbalance between worker and
employer in setting the hours of work and ignores any
differential in rates of pay that result from
productivity loss accompanying fatigue and unrest.
Remember Marx devoted a chapter a chapter in Capital
exclusively to working time and much of his analysis
hinged on it. Sir Sydney Chapman presented a
marginalist theory of the hours of labour in 1909 that
suggests that under competitive conditions the hours
of work will usually exceed those that are optimal
both from the standpoint of worker welfare and from
output. The most egregious aspect of Barone's "simple
book-keeping artifice" is that it blythely assumes
there are no long term health or working capacity
consequences from overwork or that overwork can't
occur. This is one of those assumptions like there is
no such thing as involuntary unemployment even when it
is deliberate government policy to induce higher
unemployment levels as a check against wage inflation.

What is it exactly about Barone's simple book-keeping
artifice that makes Bergson's social welfare function
virtually impossible to refute?

The Sandwichman

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