> David B. Shemano wrote:
> >My questions is how should a Marxist think of this individual life?
> >Should we symphathize/feel sorry for him, because he thinks he is
> >happy but is really "self-estranged?"  Or should we point to his
> >life and happiness and say that once the revolution comes, everybody
> >can live his life, but capitalism is unjust in the meantime becase
> >only the few lead that life?

On 12/5/05, Doug Henwood  wrote:
> I vote for #2, with the necessary adjustments being made for reality
> constraints. The promises of bourgeois society - free expression,
> free development of the individual, etc. - should be made good for
> all of us.

of course, the guy in question would likely suffer from some major
"transition costs," just like the poor and working classes do now
every time capitalism goes through a transition (capital mobility,
changing exchange rates, etc., etc.)
Jim Devine
"Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way and let
people talk.) -- Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

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