> >on the latter, all sorts of people have admitted not liking gays -- or
> >the "gay life-style" --  to me. It's not seen as being in the same
> >league as racism (which is taboo in the US, even as many are indeed
> >racist).

> Needless to say, lots of Republicans would reject both labels, esp,
> as Jim points out, the "racist" one. We really need to do a better
> job of understanding the appeal of right-wing politics than seeing
> adherents as nothing other than bigots. Sure, some of them are, but
> all that stuff about freedom and values has some actual content.

right. Also, we need to get beyond restricting our attention to
individual attitudes. What distinguishes the broadly Marxian theory
from liberal theory is its emphasis on structural factors, as in
"institutional racism."

Jim Devine
"Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way and let
people talk.) -- Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

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