It is over a week since the leaked draft of the new
oil law was translated and posted on a number of
blogs. It has been discussed in the blogosphere ever
since but no major dailies even notice. Here finally
is a piece from the Observer in the UK. There is also
a report in Al

Iraq poised to hand control of oil fields to foreign

Baghdad under pressure from Britain to pass a law
giving multinationals rights to the country's reserves

Heather Stewart, economics correspondent
Sunday February 25, 2007
The Observer

Baghdad is under pressure from Britain and the US to
pass an oil law which would hand long-term control of
Iraq's energy assets to foreign multinationals,
according to campaigners.
Iraqi trades unions have called for the country's oil
reserves - the second-largest in the world - to be
kept in public hands. But a leaked draft of the oil
law, seen by The Observer, would see the government
sign away the right to exploit its untapped fields in
so-called exploration contracts, which could then be
extended for more than 30 years.

Foreign Office minister Kim Howells has admitted that
the government has discussed the wording of the Iraqi
law with Britain's oil giants.
In a written answer to a parliamentary question, from
Labour's Alan Simpson, Howells said: 'These exchanges
have included discussion of Iraq's evolving
hydrocarbons legislation where British international
oil companies have valuable perspectives to offer
based on their experience in other countries.' The
talks had covered 'the range of contract types which
Iraq is considering'.

Control of oil is an explosive political issue in
Iraq. Hasan Jumah Awwad al-Asadi, leader of the
country's oil workers' union formed after the invasion
in 2003, warned this month: 'History will not forgive
those who play recklessly with the wealth and destiny
of a people.'

With much of the country on the brink of civil war,
and a fractious government in Baghdad, campaigners say
Iraq is in a poor position to negotiate with foreign
oil firms. 'Iraq is under occupation and its people
are facing relentless insecurity and crippling
poverty. Yet, with the support of our government,
multinationals are poised to take control of Iraq's
oil wealth,' said Ruth Tanner, senior campaigner at
War On Want.

The law, which is being discussed by the Iraqi cabinet
before being put to the parliament, says the untapped
oil would remain state-owned but that contracts would
be drawn up giving private sector firms the exclusive
right to extract it.

'There is this fine line, that the wording is seeking
to draw, that allows companies to claim that the oil
is still Iraqi oil, whereas the extraction rights
belong to the oil companies,' says Kamil Mahdi, an
Iraqi economist at Exeter University. He criticised
the US and Britain, saying: 'The whole idea of the law
is due to external pressure. The law is no protection
against corruption, or against weakness of government.
It's not a recipe for stability.'

Simpson said 'This confirms the view of those who have
said all along that the war in Iraq was not about
weapons of mass destruction, but the control of the
levers of mass production ... This is a cartel
carve-up by the occupying powers.'

Oil production in Iraq has slipped to below two
million barrels a day - less than before the invasion
- and Britain and the US argue that Iraq urgently
needs foreign investment to boost output. But Ewa
Jasiewicz, of campaign group Platform, said all the
other Gulf states had kept production in government
hands. 'Iraq could borrow the money to develop its
industry, and pay that off through oil revenues.'


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