I appreciate Louis Proyect's piece on Colonial Anthropology which I've sent 
on to an anthro listserv. They do not take kindly to criticism of Boas. . .

I also just sent them this item which I send to PEN-L, the best listserv in 
the world!

"The tyranny of the wage slave relationship, taken for granted by most social
scientists, is the basis for self-righteous indignation of future
anthropologists against those of Bush-time.  Samir Amin's "The Liberal 
Virus," captures
these issues with deadly precision. From that perspective, military
anthropology, business (sic - capitalist) anthropology, and academic culture 
has more in
common than not.

See a brief review of Amin today:

I use this book in my classes as I have since learning from the greatest
anthropologist I've ever known personally, Dr. Peter Rigby. Rigby had us 
Amin back in 1981 when I was a graduate student at Temple University.

I joined with the anthros because it offered one of the few social bases to
fight relentlessly against capital.  It's too bad that, like so many other
"professions," the anthros are losing ground to those sickened by the liberal

I am hopeful because anthropology remains the most radical of the social


Brian McKenna

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