Juan Cole writes::
> The Montreal Mirror carries an interview with me by Samer Elatrash, in honor 
> of the holding of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Conference in 
> Montreal. MESA has over 2700 members among teachers and researchers at 
> colleges and universities, mainly in North America.

Elatrash writes:

' . . . The biggest problem facing Middle East academics, however, is
the pressure by off-campus interest groups that disagree with a
professor's stances, he says.

"Outside groups, non-specialists, intervene because they don't like
the conclusions," he says. "The politicization of scholarship is very
dangerous. Scholars are like canaries in a mine. They are on the
cutting edge of research, and most sensitive to dangers in a society.
If you silence them, you're poking out the eyes of society."

Tenure terrors

Few topics are likely to raise as much controversy as the
Palestine-Israel conflict and U.S. policy in the Middle East, subjects
Cole often blogs about. Cole will chair a panel on the topic this
weekend during the annual MESA conference in Montreal, focusing on the
case of two political scientists, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt,
who authored an essay and a book on the influence of the pro-Israel
lobby in the American government and its decision to invade Iraq—a
taboo of scholarship, judging by the denunciation of Walt and
Mearsheimer by pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Walt and Mearsheimer, both respected scholars in the Realist school of
political science, were asked to write an essay about the topic for
The Atlantic Monthly, which wound up spiking the article (the essay
was finally published overseas, in the London Review of Books). "I
don't think the Mearsheimer and Walt case changed anything," says
Cole. "Everyone in academia already knew that messing with right-wing
Zionists was dangerous. Anybody in the field feels pressure, and one
point is to complicate tenure cases."

Over the past few years, pro-Israel groups and advocates have
protested the tenure bids of several professors they considered
anti-Israel, including DePaul University political theory professor
Norman Finkelstein and Barnard College anthropologist Nadia Abu
El-Haj. In Finkelstein's case, his bid was denied by the senior
administration after his department voted to accept it. Cole had a
similar experience when he was considered for tenure by Yale's history
department. The department voted to grant him tenure, but the
administration chose to veto the recommendation, in part because of
his blog, according to a university official who spoke to the Jewish
Week newspaper. The Jewish Week also reported that opponents who
accused Cole of anti-Israel statements began a letter writing campaign
to Yale's donors, many of them Jewish, according to the newspaper,
asking them to intervene (the newspaper reported that four big donors
protested hiring Cole to the administration).

Still talking

"The disturbing thing is the attempt to intervene in the specific
academic process," says Cole, adding that the pro-Israel groups are
one among many interest groups that intervene in hiring decisions. "It
used to be the government, now it's private interest groups," he says.

Although taking positions on such topics may seem to be an
occupational hazard to scholars, especially non-tenured scholars, Cole
says, "Academics in a democracy have a responsibility to speak up."

More academics are using the Internet to cut through the middlemen of
conventional media. "There is an enormous thirst for expertise and for
a less surface reading of things," he says. "The U.S. is in a quagmire
in large part because decisions were made by people who were
uninformed about the Middle East. If people want more quagmires, they
can be sanguine about the silencing of [academics]." '
Jim Devine / "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own
way and let people talk.) --  Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

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