Below, I wrote that in one treatment of the wages of unproductive
labor-power, >> if S1 denotes the surplus value created by productive
workers and if the rate of profit is stated as

r = (S1 + U)/(C + V) =  [(S1/V) + (U/V)]/[(C/V) + 1]

then an increase in (U/V) "does not not affect" the value of the
numerator in the equation.<<

As pen-l alumnus Jurriaan Bendien notes, I was wrong.

The problem is that I unthinkingly assumed that the rise in U was
totally compensated for by a fall in S1 (as some seem to assume), so
that any increase in U/V was compensated for by a fall in S1/V. With
this assumption, r is constant even though U is becoming more

On Jan 28, 2008 9:10 AM, Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shane Mage wrote: >  Marx makes it quite clear that the wages of
> "socially necessary but unproductive" labor are paid out of [the
> circulating portion of] constant capital. While to the individual
> capitalist they appear to be a deduction from surplus value, to the
> capitalist system as a whole they are part of the overall cost
> structure.  ... Thus, because these wages consist of part of the gross
> product, the higher their share of the total wage bill the lower the
> share of the gross product available to the ownership  class for
> consumption and investment, and accordingly the *lower* the rate of
> exploitation.<
> Does it really matter? there are three ways of treating the wages of
> unproductive labor-power (U) among Marxist political economists: (1)
> as Shane says, U is part of circulating part of constant capital; (2)
> U is part of variable capital (V); and U is part of surplus-value (S).
> Let the rate of profit r  = S/(C + V) = (S/V)/[(C/V) + 1], ignoring
> the role of fixed capital and differences in turnover time. Let the
> rate of surplus-value, s = S/V.
> for (1), C becomes U + C1, where C1 is the physical input component of
> constant capital. So the rate of profit becomes S/(U + C1 + V) =
> (S/V)/[(U/V) + (C1/V) + 1]. A rise in U/V raises C/V and the
> denominator of r and thus hurts it, holding (C1/V) and the numerator
> constant.
> A rise of (U/V) also hurts the numerator, s = (Y - C1 - U - V)/V =
> (Y/V) - (C1/V) - (U/V) - 1, where Y is total (gross) value.  This
> assertion works only if (C1/V) and (Y/V) are constant.
> In this view, the fall in the rates of profit and surplus-value can be
> counteracted by a rise in Y/V (what might be called the "value
> productivity of productive labor") or a fall in C1/V.
> for (2), V is replaced by V1 + U, where V1 is the wages of productive
> labor. The profit rate becomes S/(C + V1 + U) = (S/V1)/[(C/V1) + 1 +
> (U/V1)]. A rise in U/V1 has exactly the same depressing effect on the
> rate of profit as in #1, again holding the numerator and (C/V1)
> constant.
> Again holding (C/V1) and (Y/V1) constant, the rise in (U/V1) also
> hurts the numerator, the rate of surplus value = (Y - C - U - V1)/V1 =
> (Y/V1) - (C/V1) - (U/V1) - 1.
> Just as for #1, the fall in the rates of profit and surplus-value can
> be counteracted by a rise in (Y/V1) or a fall in (C/V1). It seems that
> even though the concepts are different, #1 and #2 are mathematically
> equivalent. Both treat U as part of costs.
> I guess you could get different results if you replaced (Y/V1) with
> (Y/[V1 + U]),  (C/V1) with (C/[V1 + U]), and (U/V1) with (U/[V1 +U]).
> But these new ratios don't make as much sense to me. The whole idea of
> "productive labor" says that we should care about the relative role of
> C and productive labor and the value productivity of productive labor.
> (3) This is the version that Fred Moseley uses. In this case, S = S1 +
> U, where S1 is the surplus-value produced by productive labor. The
> rate of profit has to be restated as r = (S1 + U)/(C + V) =  [(S1/V) +
> (U/V)]/[(C/V) + 1].
> In this case, a rise in (U/V) does not affect the denominator -- or
> the numerator. So it has no effect at all on the rates of profit or
> surplus-value.
> However, Moseley admits that what's important is the "conventional"
> rate of profit, which treats U as a cost, not a benefit, to the
> capitalist class. That gets us back to either #1 or #2.
> Where, then, does U matter? It might matter as part of the
> accumulation process (as Adam Smith hinted it might). If capitalist
> accumulation out of gross S goes to raise U rather than raising the
> wage-bill for productive workers (V1) or expenditure on material
> circulating capital (C1). If V1 doesn't rise very much, that limits
> the mass of profits (= s times V1). If C1 doesn't rise very much, that
> limits the rise of C1/V1 and thus the growth of the value-productivity
> of productive capital. Either of these can hurt the long-term process
> of accumulation, rather than simply being a matter of fiddling with
> formulas.
> This last paragraph doesn't quite make sense to me, so any input would help.
> --
> Jim Devine / "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own
> way and let people talk.) --  Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

Jim Devine / "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own
way and let people talk.) --  Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

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