This seems to be a fundamental _western_ (probably _not_ just u.s.*)
strategy for maintaing hegemony going back at least to the dismemberment
of Yugoslavia in the early '90s. And it's a strategy which dres in
_many_ left liberals to support it, as reflected in the terms
"cruise-missile liberals" and "humanitarian bombers." By saying
"western" rather than "u.s." I am suggesting that there is more or less
complete unity of european and u.s. capital. And so far, at any rate,
there is no serious challenge raised by China or Russia to this unified


Michael Smith wrote:
> On Sunday 17 February 2008 11:33:40 Jim Devine wrote:
> > By the way, does anyone know what the pro-Zionists have against Sudan?
> One can only speculate. But it kinda looks like their dreams of regional
> hegemony involve Balkanizing and weakening any other substantial state
> in the region, particularly those with Muslim populations.

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