Hi all!

After some playing with the module I've found out, that the type of the
entity should be defined _before_ you are going to add or replace
something in it. That should be mentioned in Net::LDAP::Entry pod, I
think. So, if you do:

my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new('DN');
$entry->add('givenName' => $1);

It will not work (will simply do nothing). Instead one should write:

my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new('DN');
$entry->add('givenName' => $1);

So, if one want the entry to be OK both for adding and for replacing do
the following:

my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new('DN'); # 'add' is default changetype
$entry->add('givenName' => $1); # only for addingg
$entry->replace('mail' => $2); # for adding and updating

Correct me, if I am wrong.


Dmitry Katsubo wrote on 11-05-2009 20:45:
> Dear Perl LDAP users!
> I have some difficulties while trying to update the LDAP entry. I have
> looked through the mail archive and I see that this topic is raised
> quite often.
> Ideally I would like to create an entry, that I would like to use either
> for adding or for updating (the choice is not known at the moment of
> creation). I see from debug output, that "changetype=add", but I call
> $ldap->modify() which should override this...

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