On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 08:36:07AM +0100, Zefram wrote:
> And a final thought before I head off on holiday: consider the event
> sequence
> 0. start a signal watcher
> 1. receive a signal
> 2. start a second watcher for the same signal
> 3. send another signal
> 4. process events
> At the moment, both watchers get events with hits=2.  The correct
> behaviour would be for the first watcher to get hits=2 and the second to
> get hits=1.  An asynccheck, perhaps restricted to the signal in question,
> in the watcher start code would fix this.

Yah, OK, but is there a real-world justification for running
asynccheck when creating signal watchers?  Or is this just a
theoretical cleanliness argument?

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