 when I played with Event some time ago it used to put 
timer on all callbacks, thus something like this:

Event->timer(interval=>5,cb=>sub {sleep 999999;},);

didn't stop application from running.
 Now i've written a small app using Event, deployed it, and painfully
realised that single hanged event stopped it from running. 
 Is my memory failing me, have Event ever had this property of time-outing
long running callbacks? 
 I found max_cb_tm in docs, but it doesent work:
Event->timer(interval=>5,max_cb_tm=>1,cb=>sub {sleep 999999;},);
and grep max_cb_tm Event.pm reveals nothing.

 How should time limit on callbacks be implemented? Do I have to implement
it inside every cb?

Dariush Pietrzak,
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