Michael G Schwern wrote:

you're right that the case of $class being false may be of interest, but that's not what this common idiom actually does. The code will blithely pass a false value to bless (with potentially unexpected results depending on whether $class is 0, "", or undef). That failure is an example of where correctness can't be validated by coverage -- where the error lies between the ears of the programmer. :-) If $class were explictly tested, then Devel::Cover would pick it up properly, such as in "bless {}, ref $class || $class || die".

I'd say this idiom is one of the ones I am most often affected by in the work I do for the Kwalitee project - the my$class = ref$proto||$proto; idiom in constructors. I usually do the following

1. Add code to handle the 'both false' case, similiar to
   my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
warn 'wrong calling convention for Class::Constructor::new - try Class::Constructor->new' and return unless $class;

2. Add a test that makes ref $proto || $proto false, and tidy up the harness so the warning doesn't mess up the output

my @warn;
my $rc;
eval {
   local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {push @warn, @_};
   $rc = Class::Constructor::new();

is(@warn, 1, 'warning on calling convention');
like(shift(@warn), qr(wrong calling convention for Class::Constructor::new - try Class::Constructor->new at ), 'expect message');
is($rc, undef, 'no object created');

Now D::C is happy, and the code is more robust - to me a win-win. Now newbies who dont really know perl's OO conventions are gently steered to the path to enlightenment, and everyone else is only penalised with a very lightweight unless test.This seems OK to me, but I know opinions on this cover a wide spectrum.

The only caveat is in regards to those psycho's who like to bless into the '0' namespace....I believe '' and undef result in blessing into main::

Leif Eriksen
Snr Developer
phone: +61 3 9217 5545

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