
On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 12:24:26PM +0200, Tels wrote:

> > The cpants analysis fails to recognise this as valid. What is it
> > looking for and/or could it be taught to look for this? I thought that
> > it was only looking for a string eval of "use Test::Pod".
> I would like to know the same. I do want to add pod-tests, but not burden 
> users of my module with a dependency on yet-another-test-module. (If the 
> pod tests pass on my dev system, they are very likely to pass at the 
> users system, too. So no point in running the tests there always)

something like this does work:

    eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
    plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

CPANTS only didn't recognise Davids way of quoting 'use Test::Pod'.

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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