It's impossible.

Quite. I believe the only way is for the author to do the Devel::Cover dance and forward the results. It also distributes the workload out to where it should be done.

Since it's an optional step that has no direct bearing on the functionality of the module, it's a sign that the author takes care. In fact, uploading any coverage statistics would already be a sign of quality.

No, it isn't. It's a sign of beaurocracy. As would be any other metric that has 100% failure for all CPAN modules when it is first added, and then expects the rest of the world to change to match it's view of "quality".

We already have two of these rediculous fail-by-default metrics (has_pod_tests and has_pod_coverage_tests or whatever it's called).

Kwalitee should measure reality, not set measurements that require reality to be changed to match.

Adam K

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