
I missed most of this discussion due to work and a very important
shopping trip to IKEA (well, maybe not that important, but I'll let you
argue this out with my girlfriend...)

I'm also a bit exhausted now, so here are just some semi-random comments
on this thread:

- I think the biggest problem with CPANTS now is lack of (meaningful)
  tests. There were a lot of suggestions for more tests on this list, in
  private mail (and some even in my brain..). The only problem is that I
  never had time implementing them ($job etc, you know). Then, in
  Jannuary this year, I changed jobs, so I had to move CPANTS to a new
  server. At the same time I did some fundamental changes to the internals
  (e.g. factor out Module:CPANTS::Analyse to allow for stuff like
  Test::Kwalitee and cpants_lint.pl)


  I'm now settled in my new job (and new appartment), the new and
  improved CPANTS is running on a new server (provided by yi.org, thanks
  again to Tyler MacDonald!). So basically all the time I can spend on
  CPANTS will go into new tests (eg a check if used modules (minus stuff
  in Module::CoreList) matches PREREQ_PM).

- Until I grok PPI and merry it with CPANTS, testing distribution
  kwalitee is basically the only halfway serious option. Even this
  doesn't work all the time (see has_test_pod*).

  Dist tests are low-hanging fruits. But I'll promise I'll reach
  further. Later...

- CPANTS as a multiplayer online game is an easy way to get peoples
  attention without totaly offending them. I /could/ send an email to
  everybody on CPAN with some 'helpfull hints' on how to improve
  kwalitee. I guess the biggest effect would be to get added to some SPAM
  blacklists etc...

  But with the tongue-in-cheek 'highscore lists', people get
  interested/hooked and DO improve their code. I got several mails of
  people who discovered semi-serious problems in their code (eg missing
  'use strict' statements) because they checked their CPANTS ratings.

  If people want to 'cheat', that's ok for me. As soon as I have some
  time to spend on the issue, I can improve the tests (but that's rather
  low on my todo list, as I like to assume that we are all grown-ups and
  do not need faked cpants ratings to boost our ego (I might be

  And no, I won't take the fun out of CPANTS.

- With regard to various problems with certain metrics: I won't remove a
  single metric unless I (or somebody else...) implemented a new one
  (and even than I'll think very hard before removing it)
  Again, serveral people found bugs/lacks of docu thanks to
  has_test_pod_coverage. Yes, some people use other tools to check
  pod/code coverage. Ok, some people don't ship their developer test
  suite to the world. But those are very few and very able authors. They
  do not need CPANTS to increase their kwalitee.
  But there are hundreds of authors who do need hints to increase
  kwalitee (most likely because there's a new trend in Perl, and not
  everyone attends YAPCs / reads all the lists / etc). CPANTS is a way
  to introduce those new (or not so new) trends to the majority of CPAN
  authors who do not participate in the 'inner circles' of PERL.

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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