In working on CPAN::Reporter, there's been a snag with files and
ExtUtils::MakeMaker since the Makefile runs directly instead of
through Test::Harness.  Since output is captured with "tee" to allow user
interaction during tests (if necessary), the exit code is lost.  Thus, while
determining t/*.t success or failure can be done by parsing output for
Test::Harness diagnostic messages, determining exit codes means not
running under "tee" and thus not having any output to report.  Thanks to Tim
Bunce for suggesting a way out:  parse the output for the error string from

I was daunted at first by having to reliably do this across any make
program, but after some experimentation with GNU make on linux and both
dmake and nmake on Win32, I think the following regex will work:


This will seriously simplify how files are handled by

So -- to make this more robust, I'm looking for any make error string that
breaks this regex.  Any failing Makefile should do.  E.g.:

    perl -e "die"

If you have access to other platforms, please see what your "make" program
returns on failure and let me know.

Thanks very much.

David Golden

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