Fergal Daly writes:

> didn't we have this debate before?


What's more at the start of this thread Ovid specifically said:

  There are all sorts of little details there, but basically,
  got/expected (or whatever names are settled on) are to be free-form
  text.  The main question is whether or not those forms are HERE docs
  or follow a pseudo-YAML convention).

That is, he accepts that the names aren't final but what he wants
opinions on here is the format[*0], not the name.  Please let's not
repeat things said last time in the name debate; the archive is
available for anybody who wishes to see what the various arguments are.

  [*0] Talking of which, I'm another vote on the no-here-docs side.
  Which is looking to be the unanimous preference of folks who've
  answered on this list -- obviously whichever of Schwern or Ovid came
  up with the here-doc syntax has got very peculiar tastes!


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