0.68  Tue Mar 13 17:27:26 PDT 2007
    Bug fixes
    * If your code has a $SIG{__DIE__} handler in some cases functions like
      use_ok(), require_ok(), can_ok() and isa_ok() could trigger that
      handler. [rt.cpan.org 23509]
    - Minor improvement to TB's filehandle detection in the case of overridden
      isa(). [rt.cpan.org 20890]
    - Will now install as a core module in 5.6.2 which ships with Test::More.
      [rt.cpan.org 25163]

    New Features
    - Test::Builder->is_fh() provides a way to determine if a thing
      can be used as a filehandle.

    Documentation improvements
    - Improved the docs for $Test::Builder::Level showing the encouraged
      use (increment, don't set)
    - Documented the return value of Test::Builder's test methods
    - Split out TB's method documentation to differenciate between test
      methods (ok, is_eq...), methods useful in testing (skip, BAILOUT...)
      and methods useful for building your own tests (maybe_regex...).

    Test fixes
    - We required too old a version of Test::Pod::Coverage.  Need 1.08 and not
      1.00. [rt.cpan.org 25351]

0.67  Mon Jan 22 13:27:40 PST 2007
    Test fixes
    - t/pod_coverage.t would fail if Test::Pod::Coverage between 1.07 and
      1.00 were installed as it depended on all_modules being exported.
      [rt.cpan.org 24483]

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