* Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-16 11:55]:
> fatal !!!!!!!
> fail !!!!!!
> warn !!!!!
> notice !!!!
> pass !!!
> info !!
> debug !

The most bangs I can count instantly by looking at them is four.
For five bangs and up, all I see is “lots of bangs.” I have to
count character by character to tell them apart. Visually,
I can’t distinguish `fatal` from `fail` at all. Another problem
is that I’d never remember the exact hierarchy. So with your
proposal I’d have to count bangs for any message of import, and
then go look which number means what.

I would say that at least `pass`, `info` and `debug` should have
different punctuation. So my minimal proposal is something like
the following:

    fatal !!!!

    fail !!!

    warn !!

    notice !

    pass ?

    info @

    debug #

But I’d also say that these are not a strict hierarchy: you can
sort it in several slightly different ways depending on what
you’re looking out for. So it would be worthwhile to make the
punctuation less regular and more self-explanatory.

    fatal X!!X

    fail !!

    warn !

    notice ?

    pass !?

    info @

    debug #

I’d also want an option to append something like ' [warn]' to
warning messages, though.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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