A. Pagaltzis writes:

> Hi Michael,
> * Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-12-04 03:35]:
> >   use Test::More;
> >   pass();
> >   plan tests => 2;
> >   pass();
> > 
> > Why shouldn't this work?
> ... this should be allowed:
>     pass();
>     plan 'no_plan';
>     pass();
> Whereas this should not:
>     pass();
>     plan tests => 2;
>     pass();

Why not?  That's exactly what Schwern was suggesting should work.

> > It also makes it technically possible to allow the test to change
> > it's plan mid-stream
> Without some hypothetical future version of TAP this is only possible
> if you have run tests before declaring a plan at all, because
> otherwise the plan will already have been output as the first line of
> the TAP stream.

Wasn't there general agreement only a week or so ago to now allow plans
to be specified at the end rather than the start?  I was presuming that
Schwern's suggestions were in the light of this other change.


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