1. A "canned" training session, "Learn Test::Harness 3.0," that would provide the user with a guided tour of T::H 3+ and have him/her actually type and run examples of the new functionality. "Canned" in the sense that at a local Perlmongers meeting everyone could download a tarball and work through the exercises together, without the need for someone to have become an expert on all the new features.

2. Release of Test::Harness 3.11, with the corrections to 'prove' and App::Prove I submitted to Andy Armstrong. Needed so I can push forward with selling a new testing approach to the Parrot project.

3. Anyone to step forward and volunteer to co-lead a lab session on T::H 3+ with me at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago in mid-June. Such a lab session would include, but not be limited to, (1) above.

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