On 6/23/08 11:24 PM, "chromatic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (Want a heuristic which finds *actual* bugs in almost every module ever
> written?  Check the use of eval and subsequent $@ testing, or the use of
> ref(), or SUPER::whatever(), for example.)
Could you expand a bit, please (or provide pointers to an existing reference
or references)? Sounds like you have particular common errors in mind for
each of these, and off the top of my head I'm not coming up with any such
references. Unfortunately, the combination of schedule and lack of funding
means that I don't get to go to techie conferences since heading off into
academia, so there may be slide sets, etc....


Hilary Holz, D.Sc. 
Co-chair, SIGCSE Committee on Teaching Computing Research Methods
Director, Laboratory for Adaptive Hypermedia and Assistive Technology
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cal State, East Bay
http://acc.csueastbay.edu/                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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