Hi all,

One issue which arose at YAPC::EU was the problem with machine-readable TAP 
diagnostics.  Since they're not yet implemented, we can change them.  The 
problem we wound up with was that we have two things to specify:  core TAP and 
extended TAP.  Core TAP is simple (well, uh, mostly), but extended TAP is 
currently envisioned as being YAML syntax.  So let's look at the YAML spec:


First of all, read that thoroughly.  That should take you a few days.

Now let's read the JSON spec:


Read that thoroughly.  That should take you a few minutes.

JSON is fairly well implemented and new implementations are trivial.  This is 
not true for YAML.  Trying to define a minimum standard of YAML for extended 
TAP is a quagmire.  With JSON, we can punt and just point to a fairly 
well-established JSON spec.

To be honest, this does not block the IETF proposal at all because we'd merely 
be describing the areas of agreement which need to be reached.  However, we do 
need to discuss this and going from "I has an implementation" to "I has a spec" 
 is rather like going from "I has Perl" to "I has PPI" if we stick to YAML.

And for those who would argue for YAML::Tiny as our spec, it already has 
limitations that hit us at the BBC.


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