On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:34:18PM -0700, Randy J. Ray wrote:
> > * I built/updated version using the system-installed Perl
> > * I tried to use it from a second perl interpreter on the same system
> > * Second perl was no binary compatible (in this case, non-threaded vs.
> > threaded)
> > * As such, version.pm loaded but could not load the XS portion
> But that shouldn't happen, because modules containing XS should be
> installed
> to an architecture specific path, and the architecture name used differs
> for threaded versus unthreaded.

I might not have been clear-- when version was installed, it installed the
XS version and thus did not install the pure-perl version. When the second
interpreter tried to load it, it could not load the XS (because it was
tucked away in a different path). However, since the installation didn't
install the pure-perl version, it couldn't find it to fall back on. I had to
re-install it, forcing the build/install process to install the pure-perl
(Of course, this was the point at which I learned that the two interpreters
were not in fact binary-compatible as I'd been told, so I made other
adjustments to the greater scope that have since rendered this specific
problem moot.)

Silicon Valley Scale Modelers: http://www.svsm.org
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