
I'm getting CPAN Tester failures that look like this:

# STDOUT is:
# ok 1 # SKIP symlink_target_is doesn't work on systems without symlinks!
# not:
# ok 1 # skip symlink_target_is doesn't work on systems without symlinks!
# as expected

and, in case it doesn't jump out at you what the problem is (I had to
stare at it 4 or 5 times before I caught it), it's the capitalization
of "skip" (or "SKIP", as the case may be).  Now, these failures are a
minority, and the trend I'm seeing is that the failures all seem to
come from Test::More 1.005000_002, whereas the passes all seem to come
from versions pre 1.x.  Now, I've never really used
Test::Builder::Tester before (I've previously used Test::Tester), but
I got co-maint on this module (Test::File), and that's what it uses,
and it seems to work pretty well ... except for this one thing.  So I
don't really want to change it, and anyway I'm sure I'm not the only
person who is/will be seeing this sort of problem.

Any thoughts on what the proper fix for this is/should be?  TIA guys.

            -- Buddy

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