>>>>> "j" == joseph  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  j> On 20 Mar, Uri Guttman wrote:
  >>>>>>> "j" == joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  j> The additional $600-1200 for a room is just obscene, but I guess
  j> there's nothing that can be done about that.
  >>  unless you know a place where you can set up a class for 35 people
  >> and not have to pay for it. :)

well, i got a block room rate of $249 which can be shared by two
people. for 3 nights, that is only $375 each for two. i offered this to
one out of town group of 4 and he said to book separate rooms. so not
everyone is frightened by room costs. and i am expecting more local
attendees who won't need hotel rooms.

  j> But where the presentation room is concerned, there are deals to be
  j> had.  If you get one from a big city hotel you will of course be
  j> reamed to the full depth and diameter of your orifices.  However,
  j> as an example, I had a deal going with an SGI rep who would let me
  j> teach in a large conference room in their sales office holding
  j> 12-20 students, at desks, on BOXES PROVIDED BY SGI, SET UP BY SGI,
  j> for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY.  Now obviously this was because
  j> said rep wanted these students, who were probably all or nearly all
  j> going to be from various large customers in town, to sit in front
  j> of SGI machines and say hello to SGI people coming and going, and
  j> hear from me how pleased I was to be able to use SGI's fine office
  j> space.  But nonetheless, it was a "deal" that pleased everyone.

that sounds good. i wanted a place on the boston public transit and near
many high tech companies. also being in cambridge near boston, it
affords interesting things to do in the evenings. so my choice of this
hotel was thought out and not random. i don't have any major connections
to local firms that would want to give me a room for 'considerations'.
the classroom cost is about what you were paying. the hotel reams you on
their requiring that they do the catering. that is their profit center
and why the class has breakfast and lunch included.


Uri Guttman  ---------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ----------  http://www.sysarch.com
SYStems ARCHitecture, Software Engineering, Perl, Internet, UNIX Consulting
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