G'day Everyone,

        Have just added myself to the list recently and so thought
I should do a quick introduction.  I'm Paul Fenwick, and I've recently
started Perl Training Australia, to do pretty much what the name
suggests.  So far there's been a good demand for Perl training,
even with minimal amounts of advertising and "in-construction" web-pages.

        I'm in the process of developing a set of open sourced
training manuals, many of which are based upon the old Netizen
notes for those who remember them.  I'll be doing a more public
release of the notes to the Perl community in December, after I've
finished my current round of teaching.  In the meantime, anyone
who wants to take a look at (or use) the manuals can head on over

        Any feedback on the notes would be appreciated.

        No doubt I'll chat much more once I have a little more time.  :)



Paul Fenwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         | "When I see an adult on a bicycle,
Director of Training                |  I have a hope for the human race."
Perl Training Australia             |      -- H.G. Wells

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