Mark-Jason Dominus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For my conference talks and corporate classes, I make my slides with a
> home-grown piece of software, called 'txt2slides'.  The software is a
> big pile of hacks, but I'm very happy with it.  txt2slides takes a
> slide file, which is almost plain text, and turns it into a series of
> HTML files, one per slide.
> The output is in HTML.  Using HTML for the slides has a number of
> major benefits:

And a whole list of drawbacks.
Sorry, although I feel very much sympathy for this approach, and for
lots of other related approaches like perlpoint, HTML is just not good
enough. Why? Because it does not look nice. Font rendering is lousy,
no good way to use graphics, limited styles. You always have to
exactly find the place to click on to get to the next slide. Actually,
it only looks acceptable with one specific browser on one specific
platform that we want to avoid.

So I decided to stick with PDF *). When I go for a training or
presentation I take my notebook with me, but also a floppy containing
the PDF files. If all else fails, I can download a copy from my web
>  Every computer has a web browser.

Every computer has a PDF vieuwer.

-- Johan

*) My slides are generated using Perl programs that transform text
   into LaTeX. Then via PostScript to PDF. Other Perl programs
   manipulate the intermediate PostScript to create handouts, and so

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