As a Perl trainer, I know that the money is to be made by providing
and selling introductory level classes.  But that only gets the Perl
community so far.  That's why I think it's great that the community
has supported Damian to provide higher level seminars.  The community
benefits by getting a service that could not otherwise directly
support someone to do it.

It occured to me that we, as Perl trainers, have a unique opportunity
to promote this advanced training, even if we're not directly
involved, and even if we don't get a cent for your efforts, so I
cobbled together an promotional email.  

If sending an email message like the one below would serve your
customers, clients, and students, please feel free to copy distribute
it freely.  Although it's not direct business for you, in an Open
Source kinda way, it helps all things Perl by promoting Perl.

If you will:
  "Helping Perl Help People by Helping the People that Help Perl"

Damian's done a lot for the community.  Perhaps this is a way we can
use our influence and status to support him and the Perl Foundation's

Letter follows:


Dear Former Perl student,

Thank you for your business.  I hope you're doing well, and that Perl
is serving your needs.  I, too, am a student of Perl, and have learned
much from Damian Conway in his presentations at various Perl events.
I think you could, too.

Below is an announcement of an exceptional opportunity, if you can act
fast.  I am sending it to you because I think it's such a great value
that I wanted you to have the opportunity to attend.  Although I am
not involved with this event, and make no money from it, you may feel
free to call me on 732/809-3613 if you have any questions about it.
But if you want to register, you should follow the instructions
proviced in the announcement.

Again, I hope all's going well with you.

Perl-ishly yours,
Michael Wolf
  map {print "Yet Another Perl $_\n"} qw(trainer advocate hacker);


    Do you already understand the basics of Perl?

    Do you want to know more?

    Do you appreciate a great value?

    Can you act quickly?

If so, you may be able to take advantage of this special value.

Damian Conway will be presenting classes *next week* in Kirkland, WA
(near Seattle).

    Mon-Tue  7/15-16/2002  Advanced OO Perl
    Wed      7/17/2002     Advanced Module Implementation Techniques
    Thu      7/18/2002     Programming Perl 6

Damian is an internationally recognized expert in Perl, a major
contributer to CPAN, and central to the ongoing development of Perl 6.
His presentations are packed full of Perl, software engineering,
entertainment, and fun.  He's a world-class trainer, having delivered
talks on the GeekCruises Perl Whirl, at the O'Reilly Open Source
Conference, at the Perl Monger YAPC conference, and at numerous Perl
gatherings around the world.

A few seats are still available.

If you can act fast, commit to filling a seat, and get yourself to
Kirkland, WA (near Seattle) in time, you can can attend these courses
for $350/day, a $200/day savings.

But act fast.  Seats are limited, and payment must be made in full by
*this Thursday*.

For more information: (then click "Advanced Perl Classes")

To register:
    Follow the "REGISTER ME" link 
    call Tim Maher at Consultix on 206/781-8649

Michael R. Wolf
    All mammals learn by playing!

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