Andy Duncan writes:
> > Any tips on how to give presentations and what tools to use
> > are appreciated.

In the spirit of TMTOWTDI, let me respectfully disagree on some points :-)

> Also, say each thing three times:
> "I was walking down to the shops the other day, and saw this great
> pair of ski-boots in the shop window.  I'd always wanted a pair of
> ski-boots.  Anyway, while I was in the shop trying on these
> boots......"

This might work well for high school essays but it bores an audience.

> Then there's other stuff; move around, forget about your hands, look
> people in the eye - but don't worry too much about this kind of
> thing.

Empty your pockets and pee before you go on stage.  Nothing worse than
someone's hands working furiously in his pockets leaving you to HOPE
that he has a set of keys in there.  Or the progressive speedup of a
presenter whose bladder is getting closer and closer to rupturing.

> Plus, don't plan jokes.  There's always some-body who'll be offended
> - "Let's bomb Russia! :-)" Not good, if that Awfully Clever Bloke in
> the front row, who enjoys humiliating people, is originally from
> Minsk.

Sure, that's a danger, but at some point I say "fuck 'em".  If you're
Russian, you must be used to potato, tractor, and Boris/Natasha jokes.
The real danger with planning jokes is that your delivery is dead dull.
Comedy is very difficult to do--I can't tell jokes.  I can sometimes
be funny spontaneously, but I have crappy delivery of prepared jokes.
So I don't prepare jokes, but I do extemporize.  When it comes to this,
everyone will have their own style.  As mjd said, if you're not funny
then don't try to force it.


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