On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 10:21:39PM -0800, Michael R. Wolf wrote:
> What do you think of material that has this material?  

That it is not making effective use of the time available.

Perl is a large language. There can never be "enough" time, so
you have to be hard-hearted about what you'll spend the time on...

Also, it presents error-prone ways of doing things when they
can easily be done more safely. ie. it seems to prefer "tricks"
rather than solid Software Engineering.

> How would you present it to students in an "Intro to Perl Programming"
> course?

"I don't recommend doing this, but you might see it in other people's
code, so I'll cover it quickly so you'll understand it if you see it."

> What would you do about it if you were employed by the company that
> wrote it?


> What about if you contracted to them?

Replace it with something more valuable, or at least be
brisk and caveat it.

> Changing the $#array also changes the length of the array
> Similar to using the pop function

TMTOWTDI is nice, but a "clear" way is better than an "obsure" way.

I'd teach the clear way and save the "obscure way" time 
for something else.

> @teams = ("redsox","yankees", "bluejays","rockies","giants","mariners");
> print "Last element int he Array: $#teams\n";

Errr, the "last element in the array" is "mariners", not "5"  :-)

> print "\@teams has " .($#teams + 1). " elements\n";

   print "\@teams has " . @teams . " elements\n";

will do the same thing, and avoid the possibility of the
famous "off by one" class of mistakes.

> This funciton is useful for loopping through the array

But not as useful as foreach.

> for($i=0; $i < $#teams+1; $i++) 

If you maintain the index yourself, you have the possibility
of making a mistake. If you use foreach instead, perl will do
the indexing for you.

Machines don't make mistakes, people do, so it's better to
leave it to a machine when possible.

> To grow or shrink the array, you simply change the value of the last
> index in the array

That is the obscure way. The clear way it to just put in into
the array (push/splice), and let perl grow it for you.

(unless you anticipate the array becoming "very large", but
 beware of premature optimization...

> Output:
> Elements 11
> 1, 2, 3,  , 300, , , , , , 

Errr, where are all of the "uninitialized" warning messages?  <grin>

> - Get better performance behind the scenes by creating the array and
>   growing it to the required length first instead of building it
>   element by element.

Beware, as above.

> It is possible to empty an array by setting its length to a negative
> number

> @#array = -1;

I'll ignore the typo.

That's the obscure way.

@array = ();   # the clear way

Is "job security" the primary objective of the class?  <grin again>

> -- 
> Michael R. Wolf
>     All mammals learn by playing!

Some lessons are better learned later, when you time to kill.

    Tad McClellan                          SGML consulting
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   Perl programming
    Fort Worth, Texas

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