Wing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>"John Delacour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> At 12:42 am +0800 28/12/05, wing wrote:
>>>I need to encode the subject line in a MIME header in UTF8 (something like
>>>Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?SWYgeW91IGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXMgeW8=?=). I know that
>>>this can be done by using Encode in Perl 5.8. However, in my production
>>>environment, we can only use Perl 5.6 at this moment.
>>>Is there anywhere to do the encoding in Perl 5.6? I would appreciate if 
>>>can provide an example to show how to do it.
>> What range of characters do you need to encode and what operating system 
>> are you using?  The MIME encoding is no problem with MIME::Base64 but what 
>> is the encoding of the text you start with?
>> JD
>Thanks for your prompt reply. The subject line contains some Chinese or 
>Japanese characters in UTF8. Can they be encoded as UTF8 with MIME:Base64?

Yes. It would look like =?UTF-8?B?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?=
where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx part is output of encode_base64
The tricky part (for perl5.6) is to get UTF-8 encoded octet sequence 
that is input to encode_base64.

I have added a euro sign '€' to subject of this mail so my (perl5.8) mail client
does UTF-8 thing. But it will use Q style as that is shorter in this case.


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