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Update of /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/Win32-GUI-BitmapInline/t
In directory

Added Files:
        01_load.t 02_public_api.t 03_inline.t 04_new.t 05_newCursor.t 
        06_newIcon.t 98_pod.t 99_pod_coverage.t test.bmp test.cur 
Log Message:
Re-organisation and bug fixes to BitmapInline

--- NEW FILE: 99_pod_coverage.t ---
#!perl -wT
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite.
# $Id: 99_pod_coverage.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $

# Check the POD covers all method calls

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage" 
if $@;
plan skip_all => "Pod Coverage tests for Win32::GUI::BitmapInline done by core" 
if $ENV{W32G_CORE};
all_pod_coverage_ok( { also_private => [ qr/^(share|lock)$/, ] } );

--- NEW FILE: test.bmp ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: test.ico ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: 05_newCursor.t ---
#!perl -w
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite
# $Id: 05_newCursor.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $
# - check the new function works for bitmaps

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File();

BEGIN { $| = 1 } # Autoflush

use Test::More tests => 3;

use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

# Check that 'inline' is not exported with empty import list
ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('inline'), "'inline' not exported");
# Check that 'new' is not exported with empty import list
ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('newCursor'), "'newCursor' not exported");

# use inline to create some inline data

# XXX I expect that using scalar reference as filename in open is not 5.6
# compatible
{ # Bitmap inlining
    my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile() or die "Open failed";
    my $old_fh = select $fh;


    select $old_fh;

    $fh->seek(0,0) or die "Failed to seek back to start of file";
    my $buffer = do { local $/; <$fh> };

    my $Cursor1;

    eval $buffer;

    isa_ok($Cursor1, "Win32::GUI::Cursor", "Created a cursor");

--- NEW FILE: test.cur ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: 01_load.t ---
#!perl -wT
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite
# $Id: 01_load.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $
# - check pre-requsites
# - check module loads
# - check module has a version

use strict;
use warnings;

BEGIN { $| = 1 } # Autoflush

# Pre-requisites: Bail out if we havent got Test::More
eval "use Test::More";
if($@) {
    # As we haven't got Test::More, can't use diag()
    print "#\n# Test::More required to perform any Win32::GUI::BitmapInline 
    chomp $@;
    $@ =~ s/^/# /gm;
    print "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
    print "Bail Out! Test::More not available\n";

plan( tests => 3 );

# Pre-requisites: Check that we're on windows or cygwin
# bail out if we're not
if ( not ($^O =~ /MSwin32|cygwin/i)) {
    diag("\nWin32::GUI::BitmapInline can only run on MSWin32 or cygwin, not 
    print "Bail out! Incompatible Operating System\n";
pass("Correct OS: $^O");
# Check that Win32::GUI::BitmapInline loads, and bail out of all
# tests if it doesn't
  or print STDOUT "Bail out! Can't load Win32::GUI::BitmapInline";

# Check that Win32::GUI::BitmapInline has a version
ok(defined $Win32::GUI::BitmapInline::VERSION, "Win32::GUI::BitmapInline 
version check");

--- NEW FILE: 06_newIcon.t ---
#!perl -w
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite
# $Id: 06_newIcon.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $
# - check the new function works for bitmaps

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File();

BEGIN { $| = 1 } # Autoflush

use Test::More tests => 3;

use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

# Check that 'inline' is not exported with empty import list
ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('inline'), "'inline' not exported");
# Check that 'new' is not exported with empty import list
ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('newIcon'), "'newIcon' not exported");

# use inline to create some inline data

# XXX I expect that using scalar reference as filename in open is not 5.6
# compatible
{ # Bitmap inlining
    my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile() or die "Open failed";
    my $old_fh = select $fh;


    select $old_fh;

    $fh->seek(0,0) or die "Failed to seek back to start of file";
    my $buffer = do { local $/; <$fh> };

    my $Icon1;

    eval $buffer;

    isa_ok($Icon1, "Win32::GUI::Icon", "Created an icon");

--- NEW FILE: 03_inline.t ---
#!perl -w
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite
# $Id: 03_inline.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $
# - check the inline function works

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File();

BEGIN { $| = 1 } # Autoflush

use Test::More tests => 17;

# Check that 'inline' is exported by default
require Win32::GUI::BitmapInline;
ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('inline'), "No 'inline' before import called");

can_ok(__PACKAGE__, 'inline');

# Check what inline's output looks like

# XXX I expect that using scalar reference as filename in open is not 5.6
# compatible
{ # Bitmap inlining
    my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile() or die "Open failed";
    my $old_fh = select $fh;


    select $old_fh;

    $fh->seek(0,0) or die "Failed to seek back to start of file";
    my $buffer = do { local $/; <$fh> }; # slurp

    ok(length($buffer), "'inline' generates output");

    like($buffer, qr/^\$Bitmap\d+\s*=/m, 'Output starts with "$BitmapX ="');
    like($buffer, qr/^\$Bitmap1/, 'Counter starts at 1');
    like($buffer, qr/.*=\s*Win32::GUI::BitmapInline->new\s*\(\s*q\s*\(/m,
            'Output continues with "Win32::GUI::BitmapInline->new( q("');
    like($buffer, qr/\)\s*\)\s*;\s*$/m, 'Output end with ") );"');

{ # Icon inlining
    my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile() or die "Open failed";
    my $old_fh = select $fh;


    select $old_fh;

    $fh->seek(0,0) or die "Failed to seek back to start of file";
    my $buffer = do { local $/; <$fh> }; # slurp

    ok(length($buffer), "'inline' generates output");

    like($buffer, qr/^\$Icon\d+\s*=/m, 'Output starts with "$IconX ="');
    like($buffer, qr/^\$Icon2/, 'Counter continues with 2');
    like($buffer, qr/.*=\s*Win32::GUI::BitmapInline->newIcon\s*\(\s*q\s*\(/m,
            'Output continues with "Win32::GUI::BitmapInlineIcon->newIcon( 
    like($buffer, qr/\)\s*\)\s*;\s*$/m, 'Output end with ") );"');

{ # Cursor inlining
    my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile() or die "Open failed";
    my $old_fh = select $fh;


    select $old_fh;

    $fh->seek(0,0) or die "Failed to seek back to start of file";
    my $buffer = do { local $/; <$fh> }; # slurp

    ok(length($buffer), "'inline' generates output");

    like($buffer, qr/^\$Cursor\d+\s*=/m, 'Output starts with "$CursorX ="');
    like($buffer, qr/^\$Cursor3/, 'Counter continues with 3');
    like($buffer, qr/.*=\s*Win32::GUI::BitmapInline->newCursor\s*\(\s*q\s*\(/m,
            'Output continues with "Win32::GUI::BitmapInlineIcon->newCursor( 
    like($buffer, qr/\)\s*\)\s*;\s*$/m, 'Output end with ") );"');

--- NEW FILE: 04_new.t ---
#!perl -w
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite
# $Id: 04_new.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $
# - check the new function works for bitmaps

use strict;
use warnings;

BEGIN { $| = 1 } # Autoflush

use Test::More tests => 3;
use IO::File();

use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

# Check that 'inline' is not exported with empty import list
ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('inline'), "'inline' not exported");
# Check that 'new' is not exported with empty import list
ok(!__PACKAGE__->can('new'), "'new' not exported");

# use inline to create some inline data

# XXX I expect that using scalar reference as filename in open is not 5.6
# compatible
{ # Bitmap inlining
    my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile() or die "Open failed";
    my $old_fh = select $fh;


    select $old_fh;

    $fh->seek(0,0) or die "Failed to seek back to start of file";
    my $buffer = do { local $/; <$fh> };

    my $Bitmap1;

    eval $buffer;

    isa_ok($Bitmap1, "Win32::GUI::Bitmap", "Created a bitmap");

--- NEW FILE: 02_public_api.t ---
#!perl -wT
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite
# $Id: 02_public_api.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $
# - check the public api methods are defined

use strict;
use warnings;

BEGIN { $| = 1 } # Autoflush

use Test::More tests => 1;

use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

    qw( inline

--- NEW FILE: 98_pod.t ---
#!perl -wT
# Win32::GUI::BitmapInline test suite.
# $Id: 98_pod.t,v 1.1 2008/01/13 11:42:57 robertemay Exp $

# Check that our pod documentation has valid syntax

use strict;
use warnings;

BEGIN { $| = 1 } # Autoflush

use Test::More;
eval "use Test::Pod 1.14";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD" if $@;
plan skip_all => "Pod tests for Win32::GUI::BitmapInline done by core" if 

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