We need to agree a version number for the next release. I would propose 1.01 - I think that we should be using a 2-digit second part of the version number to be CPAN friendly (See perldoc perlmodstyle), and don't see that there's enough change to justify anything other than incrementing the minor version by the smallest increment.

1.01 sounds fine by me.

If we can agree the version numbering issue,. I'd be happy to make a release candidate available from my website.


I'll also write up my notes on building the PPM, so others can do it. I've added a note to my TODO list to look at adding a PPM target to the makefile (so we can just do nmake ppm (or whatever). I've also noticed that many of the document links with a page are broken, but don't have time to explore this further right now.

I've noticed these broken links before, and have tried to fix a few of them when updating documentation. I suspect that the document parser could be improved a little to cope with the differing styles of text - it's a rather manual process otherwise.



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