I apologies for using this forum as a sounding board...

This is going to be a pain to track down. I've got a case where I'm almost guaranteed to cause a crash on exit - it's not a simple case

Ok - think I've got it - just not sure what the fix should be - or even if a fix is needed. In my app, I catch the terminate event and ask the user if they are sure they wish to exit. If they say yes, I perform logic to save various settings. Once the settings have been saved I return -1, which should exit. During this exit phase (for some reason) various WM_NCHITTEST message are sent, and I assume that the window has already been destroyed(? - or perhaps some kind of timing issue, which explains why adding the print statements and Perl 5.6 don't cause the crash) - the crash happens when the function CallWindowProc is called. The 'fix' in my case is to hide the main window as soon as the user clicks on the yes button...



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