I've just committed a fix for Combobox.xs (GetString) and Listbox.xs (GetString) - both weren't allocating enough space for

Do you think this problem would have been more likely to show up on Windows XP than on Windows 2000? I have an application that seems quite robust on Windows 2000, but it has had a mysterious crash on Windows XP. Combobox manipulations have been suspected from the stack traces, but I've never been able to track it down.

If you are using Perl 5.8.x, then yes this could be the cause of your problem. I'm using XP.

I'll give you an example of how this issue was effecting me, to show you how odd the effects could be. My application ran fine under 5.6.1, but as soon as it was running under 5.8.7, I was getting the strangest crashes. At first, I suspected my own XS modules, so I spent several hours separating the GUI from the logic of the application. Still crashes. ARH! I tracked it down to a single perl substr - comment out the substr - no crash - put a print statement before the substr - no crash. The stack trace showed that perl was actually crashing at the substr, but it was crashing via free, and finally going belly up in one of the core MS dll's. Clearly, this was a memory issue, but I didn't know where.

Stripping down the application even more, I came across a different crash where passing 'undef' to the tree insert item caused a crash. In the logic of my app, I was updating various drop downs as items are added to this tree. This turned out to be the key, as once I got around the tree crash, I was getting the first stack traces where the crash was occurring in SendMessage (Combobox.xs, just after the problem safemalloc). It was still occurring at random times, but at least I has some sort of 'provable' case.

The issue is simply that we were overflowing the buffer by 1 character - in this case by writing zero ("\0"). Now, in pervious versions of perl (or indeed, depending on the underlying OS) the actual pointer returned by safemalloc might be larger than the buffer requested. In these cases, there would never be an issue. Even if the buffer returned by safemalloc was exactly the requested size, it might not cause a crash or even a problem, depending on what the underlying application is doing. In short, almost random crashes!

Testing will take a few days, because I need to ship a new version to my client that encounters the problem regularly... I can't produce it on demand like she can, although I have produced it a few times on XP, but never on 2K.

I would be interested to hear if this problem goes away. I still suspect there are still a few problems with Win32-GUI and 5.8.x.

All solutions aren't Unicode aware, and going forward it's probably a good idea to create a function/macro to handle the allocation of strings.

Yeah, it'd be nice to make Win32::GUI more Unicode aware. That's something that I'm really interested in, and would be willing to help figure out and work on, although to date I've not had much success in the figuring out part (Rob has helped me get enough Unicode into one application to make me happy, and that is my highest priority app for the present, to get that working more completely...)


Have a quick look at the above link. Basically, in all the cases where we are using safemalloc to create a buffer large enough to hold a string, we're using a MS function which returns the number of characters in the item. Instead of assuming bytes, we would assume Unicode and the resulting buffer would always be large enough. We really should create a helper function that allocates enough space and use that instead of manually doing malloc. Something like:

LPTSTR safemallocstring(int size) {
 size++; #add one to ensure we have enough space for the terminating char
 return (LPCTSTR) safemalloc (size*2);



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