I haven't tried this yet, but it seems wrong. Can you raise a bug report and I'll dig further into this one.


Ok - it seems this is only an issue when SetEvent is used (see example below, also on tracker).

What seems to happen is that the NEM event is called, and then it looks for an OEM event - if found that is ran too.



use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

my $W = new Win32::GUI::Window(
   -name => "TestWindow",
   -pos  => [  0,   0],
   -size => [210, 200],
   -text => "TestWindow",

$W->AddButton (
   -name    => "Start",
   -pos     => [65,5],
   -text    => "&Start",
   -tabstop => 1,
   #-onClick => sub {print 'clicked'},

#add the events to the button

$W->Start->SetEvent('Click',sub {print 'clicked'});



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