On 26/09/2007, Glenn Linderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following script can count, but nothing appears in the StatusBar
> itself...

I can't immediately work out how to put anything into the status bar
when it's in simple mode.  I'm sure I've done it before, but can't
find anything right now.

> In looking at StatusBar.xs, I find that StatusBar_onParseOption seems to
> have mismatched } ... like there might be a missing { after the if.  In
> fact, it looks like there might be missing () around the if clause too.
>   Makes me wonder if this code actually is included in GUI.

I see you've discoveded the macro-hell that expands this code to compile OK!

Here's a version that works:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI();

my $foo = 0;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
    -size         => [200, 200],

my $sb = $mw->AddStatusBar(
    -text    => "Initial Text",
    -onClick => sub { $_[0]->Text('Foo: ' . $foo++); 0; },



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