The \x26 is a hex escape for & which Windows uses to alert users to the menu selection key.

Why I used \x26 instead of just saying & in that particular example text string probably exceeds the bounds of your curiosity.... it has to do with other tools I use that scan the source code looking for &, and which aren't really smart enough at parsing Perl to figure out if an & is in a comment or a string or whatever.

On approximately 11/14/2003 6:34 AM, came the following characters from
the keyboard of Jonathan Southwick:

Thanks, that worked.  One question though, just because I am curious:

What does the 'x26' do?


At 11/13/2003  03:52 PM, Glenn Linderman wrote:

On approximately 11/13/2003 1:20 PM, came the following characters from
the keyboard of Jonathan Southwick:

Is it possible to change the text on a menu? I want to change a menu item from "Refresh workgroups" to "Refresh clients" depending on what view they are currently at. I am already keeping track of the view I just need to change the menu text.

  $m_config->{'sGetDataDir'}->Change( -text =>
    "\x26reset data directory ($datadir)" );

Your menu object will be different than mine ($m_config), and your menu item will be different than mine (sGetDataDir), and the text you want to display will be different than mine ("\x26reset data directory ($datadir)", but this should give you the idea.

Glenn --
Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it
offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick.  It's ridiculous.
-- Bill Gates

This SF.Net email sponsored by: ApacheCon 2003,
16-19 November in Las Vegas. Learn firsthand the latest
developments in Apache, PHP, Perl, XML, Java, MySQL,
WebDAV, and more!
Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Jonathan Southwick
Technical & Network Services
Allegheny College
Meadville, PA 16335
(814) 332-2755

This SF.Net email sponsored by: ApacheCon 2003,
16-19 November in Las Vegas. Learn firsthand the latest
developments in Apache, PHP, Perl, XML, Java, MySQL,
WebDAV, and more!
Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Glenn --
Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it
offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick.  It's ridiculous.
-- Bill Gates

And here is why it is ridiculous:
The division that includes Windows posted an operating profit of $2.26 billion on revenue of $2.81 billion. --from Reuters via

So that's profit of over 400% of investment... with a bit more investment in Windows technology, particularly in the area of reliability, the profit percentage might go down, but so might the bugs and security problems? Seems like it would be a reasonable tradeoff. WalMart earnings are 3.4% of investment.

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