Glenn Linderman wrote:

Would it not be possible to just use

   system qq{start whatever_command};

instead of ShellExecute?  What is the advantage of ShellExecute?

That seems to work fine on my Win98 system. It takes a bit longer to return control to the GUI (but only just noticable), and the return values are less well defined (I can't find any info in the quick search I've done). I'll put that in, and remove the dependancy on ShellExecute, unless anyone know why ShellExecute might be preferable.

I've only tried this on W98 - does the fact that start in w2k onwards is implelented as a shell builtin command cause any problems? The only other problem I can think of is if the user has any other program called start.exe/bat/etc. in their path in front of the windows one.

Thanks Glenn.


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