
Have updated my HyperLink.pm module, taking into account previous comments. It is available for download from http://www.robmay.me.uk/win32gui/

Summary of changes:
- Wrote initial test suite
- Turned comments into pod documentation, and completed documentation
- Made API backward compatible with Win32::GUI::Hyperink v0.02
- Removed dependency on Win32::API
- Added fallback cursor using Win32::GUI::BitmapInline
- Correct VERSION format to x.xx for CPAN modules
- removed Set/ReleaseCapture dependency on Win32::API
- Added Win32::GUI::Window::AddHyperLink() function
- Updated demo code to show new AddHyperLink usage

Please see the Changes file in the distribution and the POD documentation for further information.

I have only tested this on Win98, Perl 5.8.6, and would appreciate feedback on problems from other platforms.

If I get positive fedback from this list, then I will make the distribution available from CPAN, and a PPM distribution available from my website. I assume that the namespace Win32::GUI::HyperLink is suitable?

A question (that might be better suited to the hackers list?). I want to package the demo script with the distribution. In the current distribution I have followed the Tk model, and created a demos directory beneath the Win32/GUI installation location. In this directory I have created a HyperLink directory for my script. Is this a suitable way to proceed? If I do this, then I would assume that Win32::GUI package would distribute its sample code in the demos directory too.

Thanks for your feedback,


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