Thanks Steve;

I've already downloaded the tutorial and it is incomplete.

If you mean that parts 6-8 are missing, then they have not been written (yet?).

If I remember correctly, it is replicated in CPAN and JEB. So
they have been tried also. The material in JEB, dada, and CPAN
which represents each of the GUI modules is in similar fashion
incomplete, so that has also been tried. The examples contain
> deprecated features (see below) although this group and others
have indicated that this may be addressed and solved in the future.

I hope to review what's there for the v1.03 release, but we'll have to see when that happens, and what time I have available. I don't intend to write any more at the moment.

If you have downloaded and installed the V1.02 PPM from sourceforge, then you have pretty much all the documentation that I am aware of existing installed in your ActiveState html documentation tree.

You can also take a look at the samples that come with the source (although some of them are also suffering from a lack of maintenance). You can find them in C:\Perl\site\lib\Win32\GUI\demos (assuming standard ActiveState install).

The archive for this list often turns up interesting stuff to:

how do I find out how to use it? I've read, looked at, downloaded all
the documentation from www.dada.it,

The documentation at Aldo's site is, sadly, woefully out of date.

The documentation is not complete!

Indeed, but we're (slowly) getting it better. If you (or anyone else) want to contribute, then we'd welcome any input.

So I've looked at my MSVC++ 6.0 MSDN (never do that again)

The MSDN documentation needs a particular mindset, but is the authoritative source for Win32 programming.

and it seems that after all is said and done, the list (@_) of
input values is passed to a binary - where I can't look.

You can download the source from Sourceforge if you want to look into the 'binary'.

Let's take an example. I wanted a ListBox with a scroll bar and a
title/caption/name, or whatever. I used attributes I discovered from

All the common options are documented in the Win32::GUI::Reference::Options documentation (See Win32->GUI->Reference->Options in your ActiveState documentation tree)

for the scroll bar (-autovscroll and -vscroll) and I used
attributes which really did work for a window (-caption, -title, -name)
for a title, and none of it worked.

It's more usual to create a top-level window, and put a Listview in it, than to add title and caption to a listview.

 But there was an example with a
deprecated feature (-style =>),
-style has been deprecated in favour of -(add|push|rem|pop)style. This is (somewhat) documented in the Common options page.

So, sigh, where do I get documentation and/or how do I help? Am I
missing something (two weeks is really not a long time to learn language
and GUI)?
It certainly isn't.  Many years of programming and I'm still learning.

I hope that I'll have all the existing documentation up on Sourceforge within another week or so.


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