Daniel Fernandez wrote:

I'm trying to implement the StretchBlt function using a call to gdi32.dll in order to fill the window with the image.

here, I load the dll
my $ApiObj = new Win32::API ("gdi32", "StretchBlt", "PIIIIPIIIIN", "I");

my $ApiObj = new Win32::API ("gdi32", "StretchBlt", "NIIIINIIIIN", "I")
   or die ("Can't load StretchBlt");

The src and dest DC parameters are handles to DC's (HDC), not Pointers.

Here, I call the StretchBlt
   $ApiObj->Call($dc, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $memDC, $bmw, $bmh, 13369376);

$ApiObj->Call($dc>{-handle}, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $memDC->{-handle}, 0, 0, $bmw, $bmh, 13369376);

- You need to get the window's DC handle from the DC object, and pass that (as Win32 api calls expect Win32 handles, not Perl objects).
- You were missing two parameters from the call

[I've not tested this]


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