From: "Jason Plum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Yes, I believe it is quite possible, as unless I am mistaken, I have had
> 1MB loaded into a rich edit in one of my widely used programs.

The easy way to test it would simply be to create it, and load in > 200KB of text from some file (or randomly even). Try creating the richtext control and and a textfield. cycle it through say, 256 characters at a time, upping the value in the text field. This would give you a visual of where it dies, if it dies.



I have already tried it, but I cannot store more than 32 KB of text in a Richedit field (using Win32::GUI::Richedit). Those 32 kb of text takes around 48 kb of rich text, but it cannot store more than that.

I have tried using the Load() and Save() methods and I have also tried creating the rich text manually and storing it in the field, but it doesn't allow more than 32 kb of text.

Thank you.


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