
I have tried the following code:

my @files = Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName(
-title => "Select the FLV files",
-directory => "$FindBin::Bin",
-filter => ["FLV files", "*.flv", "All files", "*.*"],
-defaultfilter => 0,
-filemustexist => 1,
-multisel => 1,

The program works fine if the user selects less than 85 files.

If she or he selects more than 85 files (or more than 90 for sure), this code 
returns [undef] just like nothing was selected.

Is there a bug in Win32::GUI or I need to do something special if I want to 
offer the possibility of selecting more files?

If there is a bug, is there a workaround for it?

Thank you.


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