I have a problem in that I am trying to build a window inside a package.
However, when I build a button inside the package, the bitmap does not

For instance, I have this simple program:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI();
use Win32::GUI::Constants qw(BS_BITMAP);

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-title    => "TEST",
                                 -pos      => [100,100],
                                 -size     => [200,200],

my $IMG1 = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap("D:/WIN32GUI/up.bmp") 
           or  die "$^E\n";
my $IMG2 = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap("D:/WIN32GUI/down.bmp") 
           or  die "$^E\n";
        -name      => "Up_Arrow",
        -left      => 5,
        -top       => 40,
        -width     => 25,
        -height    => 25,
        -pushstyle => BS_BITMAP,
        -visible   => 1,
        -onClick   => sub {print "UP\n";},
        -name      => "Down_Arrow",
        -left      => 5,
        -top       => 70,
        -width     => 25,
        -height    => 25,
        -pushstyle => BS_BITMAP,
        -visible   => 1,
        -onClick   => sub {print "DOWN\n";},



The arrow images show up on the buttons in this case.
However, if I make a package as below (in a file called Testing.pm):

package Testing;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI();
use Win32::GUI::Constants qw(BS_BITMAP);

sub new {
   my $proto            = shift;
   my $buttonCB         = shift;
   my $class            = ref($proto) || $proto;
   my $self             = {};

   $self->{mw} = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-title    => "TEST",
                                 -pos      => [100,100],
                                 -size     => [200,200],

   my $IMG1 = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap("D:/WIN32GUI/up.bmp") 
              or  die "$^E\n";
   my $IMG2 = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap("D:/WIN32GUI/down.bmp") 
              or  die "$^E\n";
        -name      => "Up_Arrow",
        -left      => 5,
        -top       => 40,
        -width     => 25,
        -height    => 25,
        -pushstyle => BS_BITMAP,
        -visible   => 1,
        -onClick   => sub {print "UP\n";},
        -name      => "Down_Arrow",
        -left      => 5,
        -top       => 70,
        -width     => 25,
        -height    => 25,
        -pushstyle => BS_BITMAP,
        -visible   => 1,
        -onClick   => sub {print "DOWN\n";},


   bless ($self, $class);
   return $self;

sub getMW
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{mw};


And use this package as follows:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI();
use Testing;

my $testing = Testing->new();
my $mw = $testing->getMW();

The buttons are blank. Does anybody have any idea why this happens?
Or does it happen for others?
Of course the image file names would have to be changed for testing.

Ken Slater

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