Here is the fix.  I did this late last night and wanted to check the fix
before posting the source.  Sorry about the delay.


BOOL GetTimerName(NOTXSPROC HWND hwnd, UINT nID, char *Name) {
    HV*  parent;
    SV** name;
    SV** robjarray;
    HV*  objarray;
    SV** robj;
    HV*  obj;
    char temp[80];
    parent = HV_SELF_FROM_WINDOW(hwnd);
    // if(obj == NULL) return FALSE;    // ****************************
    itoa(nID, temp, 10);
    robjarray = hv_fetch(parent, "-timers", 7, FALSE);
    if(robjarray == NULL) return FALSE;
    objarray = (HV*) SvRV(*robjarray);
    robj = hv_fetch(objarray, temp, strlen(temp), FALSE);
    if(robj == NULL) return FALSE;
    obj = (HV*) SvRV(*robj);
    if(obj == NULL) return FALSE;       // ***************************
    name = hv_fetch(obj, "-name", 5, FALSE);
    if(name == NULL) return FALSE;
    strcat(Name, (char *) SvPV(*name, na));
    return TRUE;

-----Original Message-----
From: Aldo Calpini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [perl-win32-gui] Using Timer feature

>Indy Singh wrote:
>>There was a small bug in the Win32::GUI code which prevented the timer
>>function from working reliably.
>>If anybody need a fixed binary for ActiveState build 515, you can download
>>if from .  Copy this file to
>>c:\perl\site\lib\win32\GUI.dll or wherever your perl is installed.
>and it would be very nice if you could send a patch, or at least tell us
>where the bug is. we're all moving into an open source environment, aren't
>we? if not, just tell me so and I'll stop any public release.
>Aldo Calpini

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