Hi all

        I'm trying to install Win32::GUI as it looks like such
        a cool tool but I'm having problems using PPM. When I
        run it, I get this:

PPM> install /location http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz/perl Win32-GUI
Install package 'Win32-GUI?' (y/N): y
Error installing package 'Win32-GUI': Could not locate a PPD file for
package Win32-GUI

        Later I saw some emails on the archive about using 
        set repository. I then tried the following and got the very
        same result.

PPM> set repository jenda http://jenda.krynicky.cz/perl
PPM> install Win32-GUI
Install package 'Win32-GUI?' (y/N): y
Error installing package 'Win32-GUI': Could not locate a PPD file for
package Win32-GUI

        I'm running Active State version 5.005_02 built for

        I would really appreciate any help with this. Thanks in advance


        Barry O'Sullivan
        Lehman Brothers,
        3 WFC,
        New York, NY 10285

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