Well, in case anyone is interested, I found a work around to the missing
Win32::Shell problem. I converted the program to PerlScript (not too hard,
just rename the extension to .pls), and used method Run of object
WScript.Shell to launch the URL. Attached is the modified script.

I also made the substitution of LWP for Socket in sub fetch_headlines since
I do have to access the Net via a proxy. If not needed, you should probably
go back to the original subroutine definition.


Subject: Re: [perl-win32-gui] RE: Newbie question (was Slashdot headline
From: Aaron Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 13:07:23 -0500


I hate to me a "me too"'er, but I have the same problem. I got my copy from
ActiveState, but it told me "Error installing package 'Win32-Shell.ppd':
Could not locate a PPM binary of 'Wi
n32-Shell.ppd' for this platform."

At Tuesday 5/16/00 01:31 PM -0400, you wrote:
>Looks nice, but I have one small problem: I can't "Use Win32::Shell". Perl
>can't find it. I tried to PPM install, but no joy. Any ideas? I am using
>ActiveState v.5.6.0 build 613.

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